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Tuesday, March 2, 2010


One Correction that needs to be made: Even tough I said that my grandmother was my spirit guide in "The Brice Curse: Part Two," I have since learned that she is not my main spirit guide... She's just been around to guide me through what she never had a chance to teach me about in her life. My main spirit guide is a man named Louie. He died in 1737, he was French (yes he says some stuff in French from time to time that I do not understand), and he was my father in past life... I'm sure he will be mentioned more than once in future blogs.

Sadly, I see less and less of my grandmother now. Because I am starting to feel very comfortable with my abilities, she is now moving on. Peace be with her.

Thanks grandmother for sticking around for 18 years to guide me through this paranormal mess! You were patient with me, and I promise I will try to use my "gift" for good, even thought there are still days when all I want to be is normal. Hold me a spot in Heaven, and say hello to granddad!

*For those of you following, there should be a new blog up soon (as in the next couple of days). Thank you for all your support and love!

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